• - Author: P.D. Sharma
  • - Product Code: B-4
  • - Availability: In Stock

CONTENTS:  Part-I: Fundamentals of Microbiology: 1. History and Scope of Microbiology; 2. Methods in Microbiology; 3. The Two Basic Cell Type- Structure and function; 4. Microbial Nutrition and Growth; 5. Microbial Metabolism; 6. Microbial Recombination, DNA Technology and Genomics; 7. Control of Microbial Growth; Part-II: The Diversity of the Microbial World: 8. Diversity, Status and Classification of Microbial World; 9. Prokaryotic Microorganisms; 10. Enkaryotic Microorganisms; 11. Viruses, Viroids and Prions; Part-III: Microbial Ecology and Environmental Microbiology: 12. Microbiology of Air (Aeromicrobiology); 13. Microbiology of Water; 14. Soil Microbiology; 15. Extreme Environments and Extremophiles; 16. Biodeterioration of Buildings and Momments of Cultural Heritage and Industrial Infrastructures; 17. Microbiology of Solid Waste Sewage (Waste Water) and Industrial Wastes; 18. Microbial Bioremediation of Polluted Environments; Part-IV: Food and Industrial Microbiology: 19. Microbiology of Foods, Milk and Diary Products; 20. Industrial Microbiology; 21. Biohydrometallurgy (Bioteaching and Biomining); Part-V: Agricultural Microbiology: 22. Microbe: Plant Associations (Microbial Communities in the Phytosphere): 23. Microbial Biofertilisers and Biopesticides; 24. Microbial Biodeterioration of Agricultural Produce and Biodegration of Pesticides; Part-VI: Microbial Diseases and Their Control: 25. Infection and Disease; 26. Human Diseases Caused by Bacteria; 27. Human Diseases Caused by Viruses; 28. Human Diseases Caused by Fungi, Protozoa and Helminths; Part-VII: Resistance to Disease: 29. General and Specific (Immune) Resistance to Disease;  30. Immunity and Serology; 31. Immune Disorders; Appendix: Laboratory Exercises; Glossary; Supplementary Readings; Index.

Author Dr. P.D. Sharma
Edition Fourth Revised Edition: 2019-20
Size Crown 4vo
ISBN 978-81-7133-935-2
Pages xx+716

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